Tudo o que foi publicado na categoria ‘computação ubíqua // pervasiva’


Mobilidade e Computação Pervasiva 2

Aula ministrada na disciplina “Mobilidade e Computação Pervasiva”, do curso de especialização em Design de Interação do Instituto Faber-Ludens, Curitiba

sábado, 30 de maio de 2009

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Using RFID tags to control iTunes and Adium

I’ve recently discovered the Touchatag system. Fred let me borrow his kit, and I’ve spent the last day trying it. On this experiment, I’ve used my CDs to open specific playlists on the iTunes, and using a Rubik’s cube, I’ve controlled the play/pause, next/previous track commands on iTunes – each one of the cube’s face […]

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

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Course on Pervasive Computing

Last month I went to Curitiba. I was invited to talk about Pervasive Computing for the students of the course on Interaction Design of Instituto Faber-Ludens. Here is the presentation I’ve made for this class. You can also see some of the ideas the students came up with during the class, about using RFID tags. […]

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

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Mobilidade e Computação Pervasiva 1

Aula ministrada na disciplina “Mobilidade e Computação Pervasiva”, do curso de especialização em Design de Interação do Instituto Faber-Ludens, Curitiba

sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

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RFID system used to track inmates in prison

Panopticon prison is finally a reality. TSI Prism system tracks inmates using RFID technology!

quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2009

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Touch: interaction with RFID and NFC

I’ve recently discovered the Touch research project. For those interested in pervasive computing, I strongly suggest to visit their website often. Touch is a research project that investigates Near Field Communication (NFC), a technology that enables connections between mobile phones and physical things.

quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2009

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Microsoft Future Vision

This video is not exactly new, but just today I had a chance to watch it, and got very impressed. Not only because of the scenario Microsoft envision for the future, on how computational devices will be embedded in our surroundings. Many people have already described it, and there’s nothing new about it. But one […]

quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

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New article on Ambient Intelligence

I just published here an article I wrote last year, and that will also be published as a chapter of a CD-Rom/book, organized by the graduate programs of PUC-Rio, Anhembi-Morumbi and UNESP-Bauru. The CD-Rom/book will be published by Rosari. The article is a new version of a presentation I’ve made last year at 2nd. EBAI […]

terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2009

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Implicações da inteligência ambiental para o design de interação

O artigo apresenta um panorama do desenvolvimento de objetos e ambientes inteligentes, descrevendo suas características básicas e possíveis aplicações. Discute as implicações da implementação desses sistemas em nossas práticas cotidianas. Aponta questões gerais que podem orientar a discussão sobre o papel dos designers de interação como participantes dessa etapa da evolução das tecnologias computacionais.

terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2009

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Good night lamp

A very simple, but interesting project that promotes a sense of closeness and intimacy. Just turn on your lamp, and someone related to you will have it’s own lamp (a small version of yours) also lighted on. The Good Night Lamp project is a family of lamps which allow people to communicate the act of […]

sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2008

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