Tudo o que foi publicado em maio, 2009


Mobility and pervasive computing – second round

Here is my second class about pervasive computing, for the course on Interaction Design of Instituto Faber-Ludens. You can see more presentations of mine at Slideshare.

domingo, 31 de maio de 2009

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Mobilidade e Computação Pervasiva 2

Aula ministrada na disciplina “Mobilidade e Computação Pervasiva”, do curso de especialização em Design de Interação do Instituto Faber-Ludens, Curitiba

sábado, 30 de maio de 2009

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Using RFID tags to control iTunes and Adium

I’ve recently discovered the Touchatag system. Fred let me borrow his kit, and I’ve spent the last day trying it. On this experiment, I’ve used my CDs to open specific playlists on the iTunes, and using a Rubik’s cube, I’ve controlled the play/pause, next/previous track commands on iTunes – each one of the cube’s face […]

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

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Course on Pervasive Computing

Last month I went to Curitiba. I was invited to talk about Pervasive Computing for the students of the course on Interaction Design of Instituto Faber-Ludens. Here is the presentation I’ve made for this class. You can also see some of the ideas the students came up with during the class, about using RFID tags. […]

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

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